Bitwarden Guide

This guide outlines a few functionalities of Bitwarden.

What is Bitwarden? Bitwarden is a "Password Manager" - essentially, all of your passwords in one place, and you can access them using Single Sign-On with O365. BitWarden is a browser extension that will also allow you to quickly enter your credentials, along with MFA.

Why are we doing this? The days of Excel spreadsheets with passwords in plain-text are over. This is a security liability, not just for you, but also for our clients. Bitwarden will not only store your passwords, but you will also be able to randomly generate passwords so that all the sites you visit have different passwords.

The above is how you will first access BitWarden.

Once you click the on the Shield Icon, you will have to enter your email.

After entering your email, please click "Enterprise Single Sign-On" to fully sign in.

Once signed in, you will arrive at this page below. You can close this tab.

* If you wish to stay logged in to BitWarden, Follow this Guide. *

The image below is what you will see if you are at a Webpage where you do not have any Log-ins.

You can click the above Icon to navigate to all your logins.

The screenshot below shows what the Main Page looks like.

  1. This will Launch the URL that is in your log-in.
  2. This will copy your username
  3. This will copy your Password.

If you don't want to see the credentials that are in a "Shared Folder" you can choose My Vault on the drop down. This is in the top right of the extension, below the back button.

The above photo is what you will see when you are at a webpage that you have a log-in for.

The below photo is the screen you will get when you click on one of your log-ins, this is where you can also edit them.

Remember the "website" is the URL of the log-in page, without it, Bitwarden will not auto-fill for you.

**If you need to use the login in two different "URLS" you can add a second one.

If you ever need to manually add a new login, you can click the big " + " in the top right.

At the bottom of the page following, you can select if you want to put it in a collection.

If you wish to create Folders for better organization, you can create them through settings >Vault > Folders > click the + icon in the top right.

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