Re-Delete a Restored Recycling Bin
- If expired files were accidentally restored they will automatically be expired (deleted) overnight without further action.
- If the files were user-deleted files, you must search for them to manually delete them again:
- Launch CCH Axcess™ Document.
- Click the Advanced Search button in the toolbar.
- Set the first Field Name to "Modified date".
- Set the Operator field to "Equal".
- Set the Value field to the date you believe the files were restored.
- Set the And/Or field to "And".
- Click the next line and set the Field Name to "Modified by".
- Set the Operator field to "Is".
- Set the Value to the user name responsible for restoring the files.
- Click Search.
- The results will appear in Document Central behind the Advanced Search window, so you will need to move the Advanced Search window.
- You may get a limited list of 2000 files; if so, you can save the search and re-execute after the next steps.
- Select all the files you want to delete.
- Right-click the group of selected files and select the Delete option.
- User performance may be affected or degraded while the deletion is happening.
- If you delete the files and they appear to restore again automatically, see our article 000137535 "CCH Axcess™ or ProSystem fx Document keeps restoring our deleted files from Recycle Bin".