Re-Delete a Restored Recycling Bin

  • If expired files were accidentally restored they will automatically be expired (deleted) overnight without further action.
  • If the files were user-deleted files, you must search for them to manually delete them again:
  1. Launch CCH Axcess™ Document.
  2. Click the Advanced Search button in the toolbar.
  3. Set the first Field Name to "Modified date".
  4. Set the Operator field to "Equal".
  5. Set the Value field to the date you believe the files were restored.
  6. Set the And/Or field to "And".
  7. Click the next line and set the Field Name to "Modified by".
  8. Set the Operator field to "Is".
  9. Set the Value to the user name responsible for restoring the files.
  10. Click Search.
  • The results will appear in Document Central behind the Advanced Search window, so you will need to move the Advanced Search window.
  • You may get a limited list of 2000 files; if so, you can save the search and re-execute after the next steps.
  1. Select all the files you want to delete.
  2. Right-click the group of selected files and select the Delete option.


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