3CX - Record a Voicemail

Voicemail recordings are done through the 3CX Soft Phone , Desktop Application.

*If you wish to do this through the Deskphone, contact the Helpdesk for your PIN.

These are done on a per status basis. (Available,Out of Office, Away, Working from home)

**IMPORTANT: The caller may press * (star) to be forwarded to the operator.**

  1. Click the " . . . " icon on the left.

  1. Click "Settings".

  1. Now select "Greetings"

The Circle icon, will allow you to record your voicemail. This will call you to record it. Press # once finished. 0 will save it. You will need to name the voicemail.

The Play icon, will allow you to listen to your voicemail.

Pay attention to which status you are setting the voicemail greeting for, as noted above each section.

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